Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Me" time

Greg got my a spa gift card for my birthday over 6 months ago and I've been squirreling it away until I really wanted/needed to use it. Last week I took it out and figured I would use it some time soon. I looked at the card and realized it had an expiration of 10/31/09 on it and had a huge "Oh Shit!" moment. Luckily I called the spa and begged them to let me use it and they said I could if I booked the appointment right then for sometime in the next few days. They had nothing open over the weekend and all the other times were mornings. I settled on a massage for Friday afternoon, figuring I would work a half day and go to the spa and start my weekend early. It had been a long week at work and it ended up being just what I needed to go the spa for some "me" time. The spa is this older house in my town that was converted into a spa. It's kind of a mixture of Victorian and rustic and really relaxed feeling. I had an hour long massage and it was sooooooo wonderful. I get migraines and have a ton of tension in my neck and shoulders all the time, so getting some of that out was wonderful. I was complete jello afterwards. That afternoon I went home and relaxed and watched Project Runway and Grey's. I ate a big bowl of popcorn for dinner and just chilled.
Last night I did a girls night out with three friends. We went to this great martini place in Charlotte called Therapy Cafe.  I used to go there pretty frequently for happy hours after work. They have an extensive list of yummy martinis.

I got one called the Multiple Me's that was like a three flavored berry martini, and then one that had espresso and coffee liquor in it for dessert. I am not a night owl, so when I go out, I usually have to have some caffeine to stay awake. Especially if I'm drinking because alcohol makes me sleepy. It was a great night of conversation with my friends. We talked about guys, work, friends, running, etc... I really enjoyed it.


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