Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Greetings!  I'm down in Hilton Head again for Thanksgiving weekend with my parents.  I was just rereading my recaps of Thanksgiving from previous years and this year was fairly similar to 2010 and 2011.  There was a turkey trot, a walk around the plantation, and the usual excellent turkey dinner with fixings.

The big difference was that this year my mom did the Hilton Head Turkey Trot instead of me, being that I'm on my running hiatus since I'm preggo.

Earlier this year my mom decided to get into running and even wears the same sneakers (Asic GT-2160) I do.  She's usually does about 2 miles, but I told her a couple months ago, I knew she could do a 5K if she just kept increasing the distance a bit.  A couple weeks ago she sent me a text saying she was signing up for the Turkey Trot because she'd run 3 miles :)  I actually wanted to walk it, but then thought I should return the favor and spectate for her and also keep my dad company.

My mom was so cute, she actually got up and made herself the typical pre-race breakfast of toast with peanut butter and banana, and had pizza and pasta the day before for appropriate carb-loading.  She took this seriously!

She had some issues with her IPod and heart rate monitor, but tinkered with them to get them set up before the start.

Finally it was time for the racers to line up, so we followed her to the start line to see her off.

My dad and I hung out in the car for bit because it was pretty chilly, but then made sure to head over to the finish line with plenty of time to catch my mom come through.  Soon enough we spotted her shirt and she was bobbing towards us!

Looking strong!

She did great, her gun time was 43:45.  I was totally impressed!  Great for her first 5K :)

After racing we headed home to have a little more breakfast (fruit and pumpkin bread).  We started some Thanksgiving prep and took some time to relax.  We put the bird in the oven.  Later, my mom, Clyde, and I went for a walk on the plantation.

Still my favorite place for a walk or a run!

Clyde loves the trails on the island portion of the walk.

It was a really gorgeous day- perfect for a scenic walk around the plantation.

Back at the house we got serious about cooking.  On our agenda- stuffing, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce shaped like a can (love that stuff), and of course the turkey and gravy.

Clyde went nuts as usual once the turkey came out of the oven.

My meal!  Mmmm.

Everything was delicious.  I enjoyed every bite.  We had pumpkin pie with whipped cream later.  I copped out and bought the Costco pumpkin pie this year instead of making my usual pumpkin cheesecake, because I was just too frazzled to bake this week, but Costco's pumpkin pie is seriously awesome too.

I know I have a ton to be thankful for this year with my pregnancy and our baby girl on the way.  Greg was on a trip, but we celebrated earlier in the week.  I made him his favorite sides, since he's not a big turkey guy.

Anyway, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving as well!

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