Friday, December 2, 2011

Adventures in Basal Body Temping

Hey all. So here's a bit of an update on TTC.  I'm still trying.  Still not pregnant.  Still frustrated.  Yeaaaaaah.

I decided to try something new this month, just for kicks.  Basal Body Temping.  I've avoiding this method thus far in our attempts, because I heard it can be tough with a lot of variables that can influence the accuracy, such as alcohol, not taking the temp at the EXACT time every day, etc...  But, I decided to give a shot anyway, because what do I have to lose?

Basically, (this is just my interpretation of how it works), you get this special Basal Body Thermometer that measures your temp down to the tenth degree.  Before you get out of bed everyday, you take your temperature by just sticking the thermometer in your mouth like a doctor would.  You wait til your thermometer beeps, get a reading, and then record it on a chart (some thermometers come with charts, or you can find one to download online).  On your chart, when you see an increase in temp, it is supposed to indicate when you have ovulated.  So in theory, if you keep doing it, you're supposed to see a pattern of when your temp raises each month and the couple days before that are when you should try (baby dance, as they say). 

Here's an example of a chart:

Here's my first month...

Not very pretty is it?  I'm actually pretty confused in looking at this on when my real "spike" that I ovulated was, since there were kind of two on here.  I got a positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit result) kind of in the middle of the first spike, and the other spike was a couple days after that.  They were both gradual, not a sharp spike like the example graph.  Also, I was under the impression that your temps usually stay elevated after you ovulate (from what I read) and I was surprised to see mine kind of dip back down to about where they were in the follicular (before ovulation) phase...  So yeah, I'm confused.

I did happen upon something when locating information for this post...  Apparently the Basal Body Thermometer I've been using sucks...  It was a Walgreens one, and a lot of people complained about it here.  Awesome.  So I might have wasted a month with a crappy BBT....

Last night, I bought a new one...

Hopefully this one is better.

Really, all of this doesn't matter that much, because as usual, we can really only try when Greg is home, which is never as often as we should be trying.  In a perfect world, he'd have two weeks off at the right time of month and we could try all during that time to optimize our chances.  I don't see that happening any time soon.  I think I just feel such a lack of control over it all that I am willing to do anything to feel a little more like I have a handle on things.  Also, if my chart is right, maybe something is wrong with me and having charts to show a doctor will help them figure out what it is so that I can actually get pregnant.  That's my theory.

In the meantime, I'll just look at other people's cute babies, and hope that I turn into a success story like they did!

Wyatt is so cute and tiny :)  I loved holding him!


Liz @ runbakerace said...

Good Luck with the BBT! I used the LadyComp Fertility Monitor to do my temping and it worked out really well. It's expensive but worth every penny. We used it to prevent and not prevent and there is no charting. When I did my first month, the temps were so confusing but then they started to develop a pattern and I could basically predict what my temp would be that morning before I took it. Wyatt is soooo cute.

Cassie said...

Hope the new monitor works for you. Sorry the last one was a bust! I hope things work out for you!

Ali said...

Try using The online software will help determine your ovulation day for you.

Good luck!!

Whirly Wife said...

My frined did the BBT and it worked for her after couple of months she got a hang of it. I wish you the best.

Lindsay {DesignerWife} said...

Girl, I've been BBT for almost 2 years now! I'll give you the easy crash course and it'll make tons more sense. :)

Temping seems to stress some people out, but I kind of love it because I *need* to see things in black and white, on a chart. I feel like having facts about my cycles allows me to have some sort of control over a very uncontrollable situation (I'm neurotic, I know.) :)

Victoria said...

A friend and I just had this same conversation this past weekend. Convenient timing!

I have never done BBT because my ovulation schedule is very predictable (plus I'm under the care of an RE, so I definitely know what's going on). However, I have a few friends that have done it and they loved it. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just came across your blog and I want to come back and look around when I have more time, but I just wanted to drop a quick note of support. I totally understand where your at in this stage of your life. We have alot of similarities there. I have some advice for you if you want it and you obviously don't have to take it since I'm a complete stranger but I've been in your position so I feel compelled to help.

I know you've been trying for a while now but is this the first attempt at actually tracking your ovulation? I tried BBT when I first started TTC but I was all over the map so it didn't help. A friend told me to go get a digital fertility monitor and I did. (clearblue easy I think - I can double check that) Much better. I realized I wasn't ovulating at all (long story that I'll probably email you about later today when I have more time). Anyways, I'm sorry if you've already heard this advice. I know how annoying it can be when people tell you what worked for them. But this isn't one of those "I stood on my head after sex" stories. I used it and it really helped me.

Things will work out for you. I know it! Hang in there girl!

Brittney said...

@runforwine- thanks for your comment and suggestion. I actually have used the digital Clear Blue Easy OPKs since we started trying, so I'm familiar with them- yup! I kind of just wanted to see if BBT would match the OPKs and/or if they might give me any clue as to any issues I might have or anything. I just figured I'd give it a try since that's one thing I hadn't done!

Barbara said...

Hello sweet girl. I came across your blog and really enjoy all your entries. All the best with your efforts for a baby. Remember that I had Kate at 40 years old so miracles do happen.

Lots of love .. Aunt B
Dana Point, CA

sarah (SHU) said...

my favorite TTC tools are the ClearBlue digital OPKs. the strips i could never really trust! i really, REALLY want you to get your #1 christmas present this year -- or this month! thinking of you!

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