Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Running vs. Clyde

Ok, so I'm seriously struggling with having a dog and how it's effecting my ability to do things- mainly run.  I brought this up before, but it's getting to me more and more now that it's warming up.  Spring is my prime motivational season for working out.  Every year in the spring I really gear up and wanna get out there and MOVE.  So having a little mini-Dachshund puppy with 2 inch legs that can't really MOVE with me is sort of hindering that goal right now.  This is exactly what I was afraid of in getting a dog.  RRRRRR!  We had no idea when we got Clyde that Greg would go back to flying so soon and leave me with Clyde for a couple months by myself.  It's not Greg's fault, but I feel kind of overwhelmed that it's all me, when I wasn't expecting it to be, at least not right away.  
I'm even finding it difficult to do things at home in the evenings.  Clyde wants to play and be with me all the time.  He stands next to me holding his ball in his mouth wanting to play fetch when I'm doing the dishes or cooking.  Last night I had big plans to get home, let Clyde out, take him for a walk, and then drop him off back at the house and at least do a quick run myself, but the puppy just looks at me with these sad eyes and just wants to cuddle and play with me.  It's almost like he's saying "Mommy, please don't leave me alone at all even for 1/2 an hour!", and I can't bring myself to leave him AGAIN after he's already been alone all day!  Even though it's just for a quick run I feel too guilty, so I didn't run last night.  Ughhhhhhhhhhhh!
I don't know what to do.  I've even considered getting a dog stroller, so I can put him in it and run, but they are pretty expensive (to get a good sport/running one) and it seems a little extreme/crazy to me!  haha!

I also thought I had made peace with the fact that I wasn't going to do my beloved Thursday night running group runs until Greg is back from training and is hopefully around on a Thursday once in a while to entertain the pup.  But then over the weekend when I ran with Jen and Josie, I kind of agreed that I could go with them to Thursday night running group, just this one time, this week.  I told myself Clyde will be ok without me just ONE night.  What was I thinking??  I'm not going to want to leave Clyde tomorrow night after he's been alone all day.  I think what I'm going to have to do is go to running group (to keep my promise to the girls), and bring Clyde and just walk him a little instead of running.  That's the only way I can participate.  It's so frustrating though, because I'm just itching to run more and further, and faster, and I can't.
I'm also starting to get an itch to run in some races, but it's seeming less and less possible that I can do that, because I can't really effectively train.  It's just frustrating.  I LOVE my puppy to pieces, but it's hard to do anything else with him around!
As much as I joke about it, I am seriously considering getting the jog-dog stroller.  It might be the only way to solve this problem!  What do you think, should I do it?  Any thoughts??


Null said...

That's awesome. I've yet to see one of those on the street. I bet he'd really like it, and pushing it will give you a workout to boot!

Brittney said...

Haha, I went with my impulse and did it and ordered the dog stroller! LOL! It may be ridiculous and not work out (who knows if he'll even tolerate being in the thing!), but it's worth a try! When I thought of all the times, even after Greg gets back from training, he'll be away and I'll have this same issue over and over, it seemed worth it to get one. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes!

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