Friday night I made last minute plans to go to a theater production with my friend Kim from work. This plan was almost foiled by horrendous traffic during the commute home Friday night. Greg had called me on Friday to let me know that the hotel was giving all the staff free turkeys. We decided it would be best if I swung by on my way home to pick it up so it wouldn't be sitting in his car til after 11pm. It was frozen, but we still thought it'd be best to get it into a fridge. Somehow this small pit stop at the hotel combined with Friday traffic caused a riff in the space time continuum and I was then unable to get home in a reasonable amount of time. Usually my commute takes about 20-25 minutes one way. On this day, it was a good hour. I'm a really impatient driver too, so if I even smell stop and go traffic, I get off the highway and look for alternate routes, which often probably doesn't pay off in terms of getting me where I want to go any quicker, but I rationalize it in that I'm not sitting still somewhere I am MOVING. I had planned on having about an hour at home to chill and get a few things done before going out to meet Kim, but that turned into about 10 minutes. Once through the door I threw (ok, so I didn't THROW it- a large frozen turkey could damage stuff if you were throwing it around) the turkey in the fridge, put a load of laundry in the wash, changed into jeans, touched up my make-up, and that was about all I had time to do, before I was out again. Kim and I went to this British Pub called Big Ben that's over near the theater. I ordered a Woodchuck Hard Cider, to which Kim asked "what is that?" and I explained what is was and she got one too. She's now a lover of hard cider and asked me all sorts of questions about where this nectar of the gods came from. "Do they sell this in the grocery store?", "Why did I not know this existed before?", "Can I be buried with bottles of this surrounding me in my coffin?" Ok, so she didn't ask that last one, but you get the idea, she loved it. We both got cheese burgers to go with our Cider. After dinner we headed to the theater. Kim's roommate was in the production. It was kind of a medley of different one-acts, but some of it was also readings and other theatrical contributions. The theme was women, and all of the performers were women, with the exception of one dude in drag for one skit. It was pretty fun. I generally like going to anything at a theater.
Afterwords I rushed home to get to bed so I'd be able to get up early for my 5K run.
The 5K was called The Thin Blue Line Run, and was held at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Academy. I met up with Gibson and Kelly at the race and we checked in. The run was good. There was a lot of terrain on the race route. Some of the race was on pavement and some was on trails through the woods. There were also steps, hills, and a portion that wove through the firing range targets (no one was actually firing!). I felt like I did pretty good. I think my time was 30 minutes and some amount of seconds.

Greg and Kelly's boyfriend Brad met us after the run and we went to Panera for some coffee and breakfast.
Kelly and Brad invited us for dinner that night. Greg had work, but Gibson and I went. Kelly made a really good pot of beef stew. After dinner we went to Solstice in NoDa to have some drinks. I had already had two glasses of wine at dinner though, and after getting up early for the run, I was starting to fade, so I opted to just have a Coke.
Yesterday I attempted to clean in preparation for Thanksgiving. We finally decided my parents will just come to our house. Greg is working til 3pm on Thanksgiving and we don't yet know his schedule for Friday, but there's a decent chance he'll be working that day, so they might as well come here so he can be somewhat involved when he is home. Other than cleaning, it was a fairly lazy Sunday. I did the usual catch up on Tivo.
Tonight after work we are going to see New Moon! YAY!
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