Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pure Exhaustion

I'm about a day behind in my happenings here, but I figured I would catch up and recap on my Friday before diving into Saturday.  I woke up EXHAUSTED yesterday!  I just didn't feel good and needed waaaaaaaaaaaay more sleep.  Obviously I have been doing a lot of extracurricular stuff lately, and I think that's starting to translate to not enough down time and not enough sleep = me completely exhausted!  I think my goal for next week will be to try to get to bed earlier and try and get in closer to 8 hours of sleep.     
I decided this was the perfect day to try my other Amazing Meal packet that I got at the Healthy Home Market a few weeks ago.  This one was a Pomegranate Mango Infusion version:
The last one I tried seemed to give me a bunch of energy and I was curious to see if this one would do the same.  I did a smoothie with:

1/2 packet of Amazing Meal
3/4 cup of milk
handful of ice
handful of spinach
one banana
spoonful of macadamia nut butter
sprinkle of shredded coconut
(i figured i would go kinda tropical for this smoothie)

(I got this at the Healthy Home Market a couple weeks ago too and wanted to try it)

I liked the smoothie.  I was a nice change from a chocolate or Green Monster smoothie.  However, I don't think it successfully energized me the way the chocolate one I tried did.  But maybe I was just too far gone in zombie land to be brought back ;)

I went to Greenapple for another round of treatment on my knee.  I had the same stuff done as last time, lazer, stim, movement/massage of the area, and tape.  I also did some exercised on this bouncy contraption (can't remember the name of it).

I took a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  I am not usually a napper, but I was just DYING yesterday.  I felt slightly better after my nap and had some banana soft serve with dark chocolate dreams PB as a snack when I woke up:

Then I got myself geared up and as out of my funk as I could to go to a Zumba class with Jen and Katie.  Earlier in the week, Diana had mentioned that she wanted us to come to a Zumba class with her sometime and that Friday's class would be a good one to come to.  There is no way to explain the amount of passion for Zumba Diana has.  It's completely awesome and contagious :)

And her Zumba outfit is so cute and cool!

Irene, Diana, Katie, Jen, Jen, and me.
(I think my camera was on a "food" setting when this was
She instructed on one song, but also made the rounds during the class showing the moves on the floor.
This was my second time trying Zumba.  I'm not sure it's my thing.  I've never been big into dance or anything like that and I kind of don't know if I like it.  I had a good time though, and I'd be up for going again, I just don't know that it will ever be my passion the way it is for Diana :)

I got home from Zumba and decided to take Clyde for a walk.  We stumbled upon a little "drive-way party" going on on the other side of my neighborhood involving a couple neighbors I know.  I was invited to stay and offered a beer.  Heck, why not?  I chatted with the ladies while the men played cornhole and various kiddos ran around.  Clyde was very well behaved and mainly sat quietly on my lap.  After about a half hour I decided we needed to head out and finish our walk and that I needed to EAT (it was pushing 9pm!). 

I had nacho/salad:
Food Should Taste Good Multigrain chips
Meunster cheese
 a heap of fresh guac

I ended up staying up til about midnight since I was all thrown off by my nap.  I caught up on The Real World and The Next Food Network Star.

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