Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Photo Tour Of The Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens

Happy Easter everyone!  I just got back from a little trip to Houston with the hubby.  It's the first time I've used my pilot's wife benefit to "non-rev" (fly standby) in about 5 years or something, so it was definitely interesting, but it all went off without a hitch, including flying with Clyde :)  I was suprised at how open the flights were on Easter weekend, and even better- Greg was on call yesterday and didn't get used, so we got to spend the whole day in Houston together!

I'll have a little more on that recap later, but right now I want to bring you a photo tour of the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens, which I went to with my in-laws and Greg the other day when they were here.  It's probably the 4th or 5th visit I've had to DSBG in the years I've been in Charlotte, but this might have been one of the nicest visits so far since it's Spring time and everything was blooming.  Also, I think this might be the best I've been with a camera thus far, so hopefully you'll enjoy my pictorial! 


Carly said...

I love visiting botanical gardens. I went to an orchid show in DC that was amazing! I'm putting something like this on our to-do list for our next vacation. :-)

Sana said...

Soo purty, I actually have only been to the D.C botanical gardens and they were soooo pretty!!

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