Friday, March 11, 2011

Big View Diner

Last night I met Cindi for dinner at Big View Diner.  The place has been open for a while, and every time I pass by it I think to myself that I need to go there at some point.  I beat Cindi there and was forced to drool over the awesome dessert case they have in the front of the restaurant.  Be glad I am not showing you a picture of that.  You'd just cry because it all looks so good!

When Cindi got there we immediately started gabbing, and we needed time to look over the menu, so Cindi ordered us some zucchini fries to buy us some time, and because they sounded fabulous.  Yummmmmmmm, they were so good!  I need to recreate these at home :)

We both ended up ordering the same thing- the gyro.  I LOVE gyros and don't have them that often, so when I see them on a menu somewhere, I usually end up getting one.

OMG it was gigantic!  And it had FRIES stuffed in it!  We had each eaten an unpictured Greek side salad and the zucchini fries before the gyros came out, so needless to say that half of this bad boy came home in a box.  (Clyde did get a sample).

I did enjoy it though :)
Cindi started eying the milkshakes and I told her that I had noticed that they have won awards for their milkshakes which were up on the wall in the front of the diner, so we decided to take a look at the menu.  I ended up getting a toasted coconut (since I can not get enough coconut) milkshake.  It was soooo good, but again, I was full, so most of that bad boy went into my freezer when I got home!  Here's Cindi with hers...  I think she had the chocolate covered strawberry.

Big thanks to Cindi for emailing me these pictures.  I've seriously lost my head since I started trying to get pregnant and forgot to bring my camera!! 

Big View Diner was good, and I'll definitely have to come back with Greg so he can get the experience!
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